Press the red button im bored
Press the red button im bored

Its going to be a long night.Īlternatively if you can’t be bothered to do that, you can click any random website button on our page to let us take care of your boredom tendencies ourselves. When you are navigating around our pages you will very quickly notice how much time you can waste, so it may be worth getting the supplies in. So stop procrastinating and check out our funny random categories below to give you a feel for what we are all about. Sell we seem to think so any way! We promise you that we have the most diverse set of links and fun things to do online for any type of person.

press the red button im bored

Sure, there are other sites that you can stumble upon when you Google i’m bored, but none of them are as good as ours.

Press the red button im bored