Sex mod fallout shelter
Sex mod fallout shelter

sex mod fallout shelter

Sexual norms in the Legion are a source of speculation among wastelanders. In case of suspicion, legionaries may try to dispose of evidence by murdering their partners. Legionaries must meet child count quotas but even if so, still choose to be discreet with partners, lest they face consequences including death. Members of Caesar's Legion have the same expectations, but their society does not offer the same free will. In the Eastern division of the Brotherhood, physical relationships are regulated by way of prohibiting fraternization with local individuals. Other institutions, such as the Brotherhood of Steel, are more pragmatic concerning sexuality as a whole, focused on procreation. Corporal Betsy will boldly express her interest, imagining out loud a female Courier and herself "at Gomorrah, rolled up in those silk sheets" and mentions she has leave coming up, and to let her know if they will be around. Alex Richards at Camp Forlorn Hope, who will express to a male Courier that he is "always a sucker for a pretty face" or exclaim that "the room just got a little bit hotter" when the Courier approaches. Other NCR service members speak about their sexuality freely, such as Dr.

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The New California Republic prohibits persecution and discrimination on the basis of sexuality, but some service members, such as Major Knight, still attempt to hide their orientation in order to avoid any potential scrutiny from peers.

Sex mod fallout shelter